System Utility vs. System Usability

Let us show you how ? to improve the usability and usefulness of your Child Support enforcement system.

Most CSE applications were implemented from concepts and designs ‘transferred?from a few states, with relatively small caseloads i.e., New Hampshire & Maine (NECSES), Virginia , Delaware (DACSES) etc. In bigger states, caseloads in excess of 500,000 cases, this has resulted in systems of high ‘utility?but low ‘usability? A system could be considered to have a high utility value when it meets all the federal and state requirements and is therefore ‘certified? A system could be considered to have a high level of usability and usefulness when it can be efficiently used, by CSE staff, to perform their daily duties. A system with high ‘utility?may not be ‘usable?

Reactive vs.Proactive Program Management

Let us show you how ? to use the huge amounts of data generated by your Child Support enforcement system to proactively manage your program.

Currently, Child Support Enforcement (CSE) Agencies are typically in a reactive mode of management. They are continually trying to resolve crisis situations and are therefore rarely able to get ahead of the curve. Fortunately, on a daily basis, every Child Support enforcement system generates huge amounts of data. This data, if correctly harvested and utilized, can facilitate a proactive approach to program management.

Stagnation vs. Innovation

Let us show you how ? to use the latest technologies in innovative ways to improve customer service, knowledge management and location of non-custodial parents.

The citizens and legislators of every state are demanding more services and a higher caliber of services from every state agency. At the same time state legislators are reducing the funding available to provide these services. Fortunately, a combination of the best practices used in the private sector, cutting edge technologies and innovative approaches to the use of these technologies have resulted in many public sector organizations continuing to provide world class services to their citizens.

Generalized vs Specialized Case Handling

Let us show you how ? the use of automation and ‘assembly line?case handling concepts can dramatically improve the throughput and the quality of service provided by a CSE agency.

Today, many CSE agencies continue to pursue the daily handling of caseloads by linking/associating case workers to specific cases. In effect, creating ownership and establishing a relationship between custodial parents and case workers. This is considered a very desirable approach ?due to the personal relationships and therefore the level of satisfaction of custodial parents. Unfortunately, especially in the states with caseloads in excess of 200,000 cases, this approach results in a very small number of cases being actually ‘worked?by the state. A combination - of maximizing the level of automation in CSE systems and the use of ‘assembly line?concepts in daily business processes, we believe, can dramatically change the way in which states conduct their business.

‘Service?by Case Worker vs ‘Self Service?by Custodians

Let us show you how ? the use of a fully integrated approach to customer service can result in empowering the custodial parent in managing his/her own case(s).

Today, in almost all states, case workers expend a significant portion of their day fielding calls from irate custodial parents.An approach that integrates the IVR, the Web, and Call Centers- and at the same time facilitates the custodian to transact directly with the system (not just get information) will greatly empower the custodian in managing his/her own case. This in turn allows the case worker to concentrate on finding non-custodial parents, establishing paternity, and enforcing orders. he application is developed in an Oracle environment using PL/SQL, Forms, Oracle Repository, Java, HTML and XML and deployed on the web.

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